This is taking longer than I wished… the delivery estimate is unavailable which is concerning. Let me call DHL if the status doesn’t update this morning.
This is taking longer than I wished… the delivery estimate is unavailable which is concerning. Let me call DHL if the status doesn’t update this morning.
Got the samples last week. I ought to make a video, but I have a final exam coming up very soon… Instead I spent a few minutes inspecting the board and testing the functions. Except plating was done in silver (which got promptly corrected), everything looks good!
The color-corrected PCBs are already made. I believe they should be done with assembly this week as well. Now I am just sitting and waiting for the *rest of the order*.
Guys, don’t worry. This is just something I have queued up for the next year. My focus is still 100% on the current
Anyways, let me talk about keyboard roof for a minute. I have been using two keyboard roofs (one for my Realforce 104u and one for my HHKB Pro2) from GarbageCollection.co.kr in Korea since the summer.
Back then they didn’t have international shipping, so there were a few things to figure out with the good fellas over at GarbageCollection. Overall though, it was a more positive experience than I anticipated: over the top packaging, very swift customer support, and top-notch quality.
The only downside was the shipping cost considering the price of the product. Hence this
For now, take a look at a few videos I made below:
Discussion over at r/bigtuna
Hello everyone, the gist is that PCBWay.com has run tests and result look good. They also have shipped off a few boards for me to for further testing. So we are getting close!
There is a bad news here though – the surface finish was not done in Purple + Gold Immersion. Instead, it was done in Lead-Free HASL (Purple + silver color combo). So I am talking to them on getting this issue addressed. This is a setback, there is no nice way to put this =(. This is a simple aesthetic issue, but I want to get this done right for you. So even though it will cost me extra, I must own up to it. The components are available and ready over at PCBWay.com. So only the PCBs have to be remade. Normally it takes 4-5 days.
This prolonged delay is quite frustrating, but I sincerely appreciate your patience!
PCBWay.com is estimating the assembly to complete on November 26th. They usually are
The PCB fabrication is almost 100% complete at the moment, so I should *better* get the samples in a week or so.
I am so sorry for the delays everyone. Please bear with me. It is getting there!
I tried to make the behind-the-scenes action as seamless, and smooth as possible. Unfortunately, the group buy #2 has been delayed. Only now I have submitted the finalized version of design files, after going back and forth with PCBWay.com over the last few weeks.
There are several reasons for this delay:
I must thank every participant for the
I was expected to receive the prototype of Miuni32 Group Buy 2 more than a week ago. It never materialized in part due to an issue with the location of the stabilizer drill holes. The adjusted location leaves very little space between the bottom of the hole and the edge of the board. This was not a problem with manufacturing. But looking at the sample photos I just lost confidence and I felt like it could become a durability issue very easily. So I decided to extend the hole (as a slot) to eliminate durability issue altogether. This should be the last change for this revision! Fingers crossed!
Hello everyone, originally Miuni32 GB2 was estimated to ship this month, but it is looking less and less likely to be able to ship Miuni32 GB2 orders this month. Actually, at this time it is physically impossible to ship them out this month! The supposed small changes in Miuni32 are taking longer than I had anticipated